Monday, August 18, 2014

Month of Liquidation

Reducing my Mainland footprint has gone well, with the bulk of available land waiting a couple more days for the longtime skybox rental to check in (they moved in RL).  I may have to try the new one if I don't hear back. After that it's parcel splitting and abandon as an absolute last resort. Update: She's taking some of my land. So far so good!

Everything else is to plan, with the Nova Albion parcel having sold quickly and an odd piece east of the diner going to LDPW as part of Bridge Road.

Working on the replacement build for St John, which will make its debut in less than a week.  I'll miss having an attic to crash in town; in its place will be a speakeasy for monthly swing.  Still working out some aesthetics.  A texture shop northeast of Hydrangea had exactly what I needed for the speakeasy walls, with a little something from me and antique clip art as well (and subject to change on a whim).

The manifestation of a Cartoon World shop remains a mystery.  I'm not inspired by atomic age or cottage style.  Would like round and whimsical mesh but only see it in my imagnation.  The recent Funny Puppet Fair town was close but the creator had nothing inworld or on the marketplace.

Funny Puppet Fair
Also I'm more game to take on a ground or sky shop with multiple quota to set some items out.

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