Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Be the Pie

After my experience at Burning Life and the obvious antipathy of the organizers for the general populace of participants and eagerness to corrupt the integrity of the project, I told myself I'd never invest too much of my soul and energy into a project again for an SL event.

That's not to say I wouldn't participate or make anything interesting when I did.  I'd make something I'd feel is worthwhile, only it wouldn't require a dozen hand-drawn paintings or a daily event presented in obscurity while the staff freely promoted events outside the designated arenas run by themselves or their friends - or endorsed by corporate influences.

I have a very Screw It attitude going into SL7B as names like Doctor Gascoigne intrude on the landscape while a group chat opens.  Other names like White Lebed and Harper Beresford have countered the flow of bile, but are they enough?

The attitude of some staff, pushing exhibitors to come up with promo material well before the deadline underscores their bias against creations made for the event in favor of those plopped down from a preexisting project or location.  Their obvious disdain for people not successfully working inworld fulltime or running their own businesses is hard to conceal in their syntax (I took off two days so I could translate sketches made during my commutes into prims).

I hate them.

But I love Second Life.

I love the good people of this world.

I do what I do for them, for that amused twinkle or chuckle.

I will never let you down.

I like to think I learn from the mistakes of others.

For The People I have made Me, Ourselves & Pie.  I believe it is the most faithful project with regard to this year's theme of accidental collaborations.  It relies on the randomness of visitors, who may be compelled to wear either the raspberry or strawberry suit offered beside a giant pie.  When they run and jump around among the blueberries they make the pie complete.

I can hardly wait for the party Friday night!

1 comment:

  1. You all already found the one in the Movie Studio office. But there are 3 more lost blueberries to find, are you up to the challenge ?

    You cryptic clues are:
    #2 fountain
    #3 bring fishing rod
    #4 getting a bit warm under here
