Monday, September 24, 2012

A Word About Virtual Graverobbers

Last night a group who typically run a contest opposite the beach namedropped the beach's late co-owner to get people over.

That was very low IMHO. We've made a point at Bacchus to simply put out RFL kiosks & promote the fight against cancer.  Not grandstanding.  Those who know, know, and those who don't may be giving in memory or honor of someone they know...

...Or in the hopes that someday in the future someone will live longer or cancer free from what we've done.

So these people, who have consistently made our Sundays a bit thin - and they have every right to do so - actually had the nerve to post in RFL group chat that they were dedicating their contest to the man who co-owned Bacchus. That's not right.

First: low. If they knew who he was they'd have known he was captain of RFL Team Bacchus and was on the group list for the beach. Don't exploit the death of someone you don't know to dis them and their memory and their family.  Second: it's a fishing contest. This means they profit from it and so do 7seas with the sale of bait and rods etc. And the fishing contest pot.  You cannot promote in RFL unless ALL purchases go towards RFL via RFL vendors and kiosks.

I gave their hostess a talking to. I'm no holier than thou type, but when the beach regulars are missing by a half and they single out one of our owners to draw people away from us and additional people to boot, well that's just sick.

Don't try to get attention or show yourself as some big deal by stepping on someone's grave. Or creating a hardship - on any level - for their surviving family members. If it isn't a personal friend of yours or a direct relative or a celebrity you're doing this for, then stfu.


  1. Holocluck, have you ever stopped to consider that maybe their Bacchus name-drop might have been a genuine act to honor the memory of someone they may have respected? People do do that, you know. And somehow, I doubt very much that you bothered to ask them why before you went off ripping them a new one.

    Now, to be honest, I did try to work with you in your RFL group. But when I asked a question about how to set an off-season kiosk to your team, you went off the deep end and booted me grom the group, and then proceeded to falsely accuse a friend of mine I'd encouraged to join of being an alt. Neither of us was thrilled with that bit of drama you caused, so I took the initiative and began my own team. You act like you don't like drama but I have seen you try to start your fair share of it. I strongly recommend that you learn not to be so possessive of RFL. It's not just you raising money to fight cancer.

  2. And no, I still don't know who or what suddenly contacted me when I dropped you from the team. There's just so much anyone can be sure of online. As a member of LV security I'm sure you are familiar when someone is banned from a sim and suddenly someone new pops up on radar with a connection in the next moment. There's no reason to think anyone else hasn't had that experience before themselves because it happens all the time in the moderating world.

    Actually you generated a LOT of drama yourself talking about hacking and customizing RFL property instead of RTFM and waiting for the RFL season to begin while everyone else got situated. You were an armfull, and the best thing was for you to do it yourself and take orders from RFL directly on what you could and couldn't do. Better than me having to be a nag. You sort of missed the concept IMHO, and for my team you would have been nothing but conflict - AND drama - since what you wanted out of the experience was clearly something different from anyone else. You're not going to tell me the change wasn't for the better because it was. You needed to be your own leader and define your own team.

    As for the others? No. There really is no such thing as using the name of someone one doesn't know or ever cared about to hold an event in their honor. It's an oxymoron in itself. And promoting it as an RFL event went against RFL's own guidelines since they WERE out to profit from it. It was disrespectful to even try. Like I said, if they even knew who he was, they'd have known better. E-X--P-L-O-I-T-A-T-I-O-N

    1. All I did was ask how to set an off-season kiosk to your team. That's not hacking and it's not causing drama. Your reaction was the drama you claim to dislike. I mean, granted, I'm not as good at explaining things as I could be. But your response to a simple question was way over the top and also over the line. You leapt to conclusions you had no business making over a simple question and ended up alienating people who had no problem with you before. I do respect you, Holocluck. But you've got to work on your control issues and you've got to stop being so hypocritical when it comes to drama.

  3. I'm sorry that's not quite how it went, and bringing it up here is a very dramatic act and not even in line with the topic. You're a bit rude actually.

    1. Well, no, that is how it went. And I'm sorry you think my bringing it up is causing drama, but isn't that hypocritical given that the blog entry itself is one big drama-fest? As someone who does have respect for you, I feel it should be pointed out so you understand what your actions are and how they affect the people you write about.I don't want to see you being another Victor1st Mornington. One of those is one more than anyone needs.

  4. You have no respect for me. You're trolling. Please refrain from posting here.

    1. Dude, I'm not trolling. I'm telling you the truth. Sorry you can't handle it.
