Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to speed & an Art Show in Bay City for RFL

With Relay season over it's time to catch up on other things - like vanity.  I got a HUD-activated stand and a set of poses so that next time I want to make a profile pic or promo shot, I can do it anywhere I can rez.  Sorry publicly available photo studios but your fuck-me chick poses and unnatural noob positions just don't suit me. (fancy that)

I'm not done with Relay For Life though, not until those kiosks and vendors self-destruct in a week or two.

I'll have a dance party this Friday night from 7:30pm SLT at Cartoon World Gallery's Artspace level in Bay City, where I'll debut an exhibit of my SL9B art - you know: the ones on the ground nobody looked at. 

Yes, 'fraid so.

There were, yes.

Alt-click then mousewheel.

Well, now you know.

Don't worry about it. They'll be on the windows and big enough to see with default view.

Please tip the RFL kiosk if you like what I play :)

Anyway, let's see if anyone shows.  After last year I'm extremely dubious. There are other factors which make me dubious as well.

In the meantime, DJing and Toontown are my focus these evenings. I feel a need to bash grey robotic humanoids obsessed with power.

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